Advanced Analytics, AI and the Federal Proposal Process

October 23-24, 2024

Join us for a 1.5 day interactive course focused on incorporating advanced workforce demographics analysis, site selection/alternate siting and business incentives into federal government proposals.

Vista Site Selection's Advanced Analytics, AI and the Federal Proposal Process course aims to help attendees identify and use discriminators and disruptors in their proposals to gain a significant price-to-win advantage.  It will feature a mixture of lectures and hands-on case study work over one and a half days. 

This course will take place October 23-24 at Space Florida's corporate offices located at: 

Space Florida
505 Odyssey Way, Suite 300
Exploration Park, FL 32953


Advanced Analytics, AI and the Federal Proposal Process is designed for federal procurement leaders in various roles such as business development, capture management, proposal estimation, economic development, facilities, etc.


There is no fee associated with this course and it has limited seats.  We will follow a first registered, first served policy for this event.  To register, complete the form below the agenda. 

Economic simulation gaming

Attendees will join the presenters for a fast-paced economic simulation game. The game will demonstrate how diverse sectors of the economy are impacted by new aerospace work.

Overview of analytic site selection

Attendees will explore how to organize and explain a site selection by incorporating AI and conventional analytics into a logic matrix; and how to break the proposal siting decision into its component parts. This session will also include a discussion on how to convince senior management that siting is the most important component of a strong win-rate.

Optimizing workforce demographics with big data

Attendees will discover how to gain a proposal cost and management volume advantage in labor and overhead rates by optimizing workforce demographics.

Kaizen process and analytic site selection

The Kaizen Process is legendary for its integral role in total quality management. In this session, attendees will explore how to use it early in the proposal process to optimize a bid.

How to build a company site selection team

Nothing is worse than a proposal solution ripe with controversy. In this session, attendees will learn how to build an inclusive team and how to reach a consensus proposal on a siting decision.

Cultural and political compatibility concerns in federal contracting

No industry sector is more impacted by political concerns than aerospace, and increasing international sales are generating more cultural issues. Attendees will discuss emerging concerns and learn how to manage them with advanced analytics.

Business incentives concepts

Attendees will explore the underlying logic behind the need for business incentives in any major federal bid.

Improving a proposal with business incentives

Attendees will discover how to tactically incorporate business incentives into a proposal’s structure to improve the cost and management volumes.

Types of business incentives

This session will highlight the types of business incentives, from mundane statutory and discretionary programs to more advanced project construction and special legislative models that can significantly improve cost volume.

Workforce development / workforce pipelining

As the US workforce ages, obtaining skilled employees to fill proposal requirements has become the key coefficient in proposal siting for technically complex bids. Attendees will discover the value of using state training and recruitment programs/dollars to bring regional workforce demographics in line with hiring requirements, and create a sustainable new hire flow via long-term agreements with regional trade schools, colleges and universities.

Advanced site selection techniques

This session will highlight how companies can combine data with artificially intelligent algorithms and to take the guesswork and variances out of a proposal siting and post-award hiring process. Advanced techniques can also help businesses find previously unknown enclaves of suitable employees. Ultimately, these efforts will help businesses gain a significant proposal cost advantage as well as a stronger management volume.

Economic impact analysis

It’s not the value of your payroll, it’s the regional impact of your operations that defines the maximum level of business incentives you can negotiate. Explore using established economic modelling techniques to estimate your direct, indirect, and induced job generation, your contribution to the region’s domestic product, and the additional tax revenues that will be generated by your proposed new or expanding operation.

Business incentives process flow

Attendees will discuss established methods for successfully obtaining substantial business incentives agreements, business construction, and special legislation, to gain a substantial proposal cost advantage.

Value of good legal support

For aerospace, business incentives are not the icing on the cake, they are best incorporated early, as part of the cake batter. Large agreements may last up to forty years and are generally done with custom documents. In this session, attendees will learn about the value of having good legal support while constructing business incentives agreements. Having a good legal team can help a business minimize risk while maximizing rewards.


Business incentives in the site selection matrix

In this exercise, attendees will explore the various methods of incorporating business incentives into a proposal site selection matrix.


Attendees will learn how companies maintain compliant performance with state and local agencies, while maintaining performance on a new federal contract through a product’s lifecycle.    

Optional: Kennedy Space Center Tour

Join the presenters and your fellow attendees for a private guided tour of Kennedy Space Center. 


  • Magill Chris

    Chris Magill

    Managing Director of Economic Analysis - Vista Site Selection
  • Samler_Matt_425x500 (2)

    Matt Samler

    Senior Managing Director - Vista Site Selection
  • Stair_Evan_425x500 (2)

    Evan Stair

    Managing Director of Analytics - Vista Site Selection
  • Troan_Jeff_425x500 (2)

    Jeff Troan

    Managing Director of Site Selection - Vista Site Selection
  • Wilson_Rebecca new background2013 (2)

    Elissa Wilson

    Of Counsel - Vorys

About Vista Site Selection

At Vista Site Selection, we are dedicated to helping companies select the most advantageous and economically viable real estate sites on which to expand existing operations or develop future locations.  


We know that when a company makes a decision to expand or move, that is just the first step.  Each decision and each business is unique and, as such, requires specific factors in order to be successful.  

Our interdisciplinary experience sets us apart and positions us to ask the right questions to select the most optimal sites, and we understand that the details and driving factors are unique to each and every project.  We help our clients streamline their efforts and provide the necessary data and information to facilitate sound business decisions to maximize the overall return on capital.  We are driven by helping companies across various industries find the right location and maximize the benefits of that location.

Our experienced data analytics, real estate and finance professionals use their diverse experience to comprehensively examine key considerations that are unique to each industry and determine the demographics and infrastructure needed to achieve each of our clients’ business goals.

To learn more visit

Vista Site Selection is an ancillary business of the law firm Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP.

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